Friday, July 24, 2009

2 most horrible things parents say.

The 2 worst things parents say:
1."Because I said so"
2."I don't need to explain myself"

Those are the two phrases that bug me to bits! "Because I said so" I understand can be a last resort when a child isn't listening, but all we want to know is WHY you're saying so. What is your reasoning behind it?
"I don't need to explain myself" but sometimes it helps. Especially when we don't understand. Instead that just cuts off the conversation & leaves us frustrated. We just want to understand where you're coming from so maybe we could see your side of it. Lord knows we're stubborn, but maybe if we had some logical answers as to why we're being told what we're being told we might understand and maybe even agree in the end.
Communication is waaay important!
Be open =]

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