Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

I think I have it.

Symptoms vary widely based on which type of EDS the patient has. In each case, however, the symptoms are ultimately due to faulty or reduced amounts of Type III collagen. EDS most typically affects the joints, skin, and blood vessels, the major signs and symptoms include:

There are other symptoms, but these are the main ones & i have like 6 of them.... lol


elise said...

Hi Mandy,
If you think you have EDS, check out the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation (EDNF; They have a quick free registration to access the basics of the site, which will help you understand more about the disorder.
When I suspected EDS and then was first diagnosed, I relied heavily on message boards for support. The EDNF has a great message board but you have to pay a small membership fee.
There are also TONS of people that talk about their EDS and life experiences - I've linked to a lot of their blogs through mine.
Take care and "hang in there"! :)

Allegra said...

I know what practically all of these words mean!!! Thank you anatomy.